Is It Time to Rebrand Your Agency? When, Why, and How to Rebrand with Jim Heininger | Ep #763

Is your agency in need of a rebrand? Many of us are accidental agency owners who threw together a brand without fully understanding our niche or service offering; starting with just a basic name and logo. As the agency evolves this may signal the need for a strategic brand refresh. Today’s featured guest runs a rebranding agency and shares the scenarios that could justify a rebrand, the difference the right will name make for clients to differentiate you, and share some rebranding strategies to keep in mind.

Jim Heininger is a seasoned agency owner based in Chicago who runs two agencies: Dixon James, a strategic communication and change management firm, and the rebranding specialists known as the Rebranding Experts. With over 25 years of experience in the public relations industry, Jim discusses the importance of building a strong agency presence, why your name matters, and when is the right time to think about a rebrand.

In this episode, we’ll discuss:

  • 2 big reasons agencies rebrand.

  • Why names matter for brand differentiation.

  • Things to consider before renaming your agency. 


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Smart Pricing Table: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by Smart Pricing Table, an award-winning proposal software built just for marketing agencies and designed to handle your unique challenges and cut down the time you spend on proposal as much as 90%. Go to to see if this is the missing piece your agency needs. Schedule a demo and get 50% OFF for the first two months.

What Does Brand Mean?

Jim built his career in the agency environment, spending 25 years in public relations working for some major agencies like Bushman Hillard and Ketchum. Later on, he worked for McDonald’s as a communications strategist tasked with helping them get through some brand issues they faced at the time. His time at McDonald’s taught him a lot about the perspective on agencies and how to form great client relationships to get the best work out of your agency.

This time proved transformative for his career, it was when he had the opportunity to start his own agency and also when he started learning more about branding.

Jim defines a brand as the comprehensive collection of experiences and assets that define a company, extending far beyond visual elements like logos to encompass customer experience, brand promises, and their fulfillment.

While a brand ultimately exists in customers' minds, and you’ll never be able to control how customers perceive it, you can influence that perception. Influential figures like Steve Jobs understood the importance of brand narratives and greatly admired Nike, which has mastered the art of branding by creating a strong identity that transcends their products.

Businesses should actively manage their brand perception rather than allowing external forces to dictate it. Hence, it is only logical they consider rebranding once the brand no longer represents their business.

2 Big Reason to Consider an Agency Rebrand

According to Jim, agencies are the business category that most frequently undergo rebrands. It makes sense, given so many are accidental agencies. Many agency owners begin as skilled practitioners who establish a business in response to growing client demand, often resulting in a created brands that may not stand the test of time.

There are two common reasons why founders consider a rebrand:

  1. Make it all about the business, instead of yourself. Many agencies initially build their brand around the founder's expertise. As the business grows, however, there's often a strategic need to highlight the broader team's capabilities, reducing client expectations for direct founder involvement in every project.

  2. Niching down. Another common scenario prompting a rebrand is when an agency decides to niche down its services. While owners might worry about alienating existing clients through rebranding, Jim notes that clients typically focus more on service quality and results than brand aesthetics.

Rebranding is not merely a cosmetic change; it is a strategic decision that requires careful consideration. If your current brand fails to differentiate you from competitors or clearly communicate your value proposition and target audience, it could be time to rebrand. Success lies in approaching it as a strategic initiative, involving key stakeholders, and maintaining focus on innovation and market relevance.

Ultimately, a well-executed rebrand not only revitalizes an agency's image but also reinforces its commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients in an ever-changing environment.

Why Names Matter for Brand Differentiation

If we look around, we’re surrounded by big brands with names that didn’t necessarily mean much before their success gave it meaning. For examlpe, did “google” even mean anything before 1998? It’s natural to ask ourselves then if a name is really that important.

For small businesses, yes, a name is very important because it’s your opportunity to put something compelling out there, capture the audience’s attention, and differentiate your business. Nowadays it’s getting harder to name a corporation, as it seems the good names are all taken. This has led to a trend of using unconventional names, which, while potentially memorable, risk confusing potential clients. The balance between distinctiveness and clarity has become a critical consideration in the naming process.

Jim’s approach to rebranding starts with a name that is packed with meaning, is exciting to the client, and inspires them to put together a cohesive elevator pitch. A well-chosen name should serve as a foundation for effective storytelling, enabling businesses to communicate their value proposition clearly and memorably.

Things to Consider Before Renaming Your Agency

A name serves as the first point of contact between a brand and its audience and should encapsulate the essence of the agency's mission, values, and unique offerings. There’s a lot of work to be done before landing on the perfect name, like understanding your differentiators, your promise to customers, and the legacy you want to leave. Understanding these elements correctly will help you come up with a clear brand promise and a word that represents that promise and brings it to light.

Additionally, think about the type of word you want. Do you want a descriptive word? Do you want to coin a term? Or maybe borrow meanings from existing words that can be contextualized within the industry? Naming, therefore, becomes a strategic endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the agency's strengths and the value it offers to clients.

Just remember the approval timeline associated with trademarking a name can take up to a year, which is why agencies should be confident in their chosen name and conduct a thorough review process, ensuring that it not only resonates with the brand's identity but is also legally viable.

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